9억 어치 금괴를 정부에게 뺏긴 호주인[0]
조회:1,031추천:0등록날짜:2023년02월22일 11시41분
9억 어치 금괴를 정부에게 뺏긴 호주인
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I used to work for one of the leading metal detector companies for 9 years. There's numerous laws in place around the world but some aren't exactly fair. In Australia, finding some gold nuggets or even a stash of them is one thing, but finding a smelted bar of gold is something altogether different.
One client found a very large 375 ozt solid Gold bar (US $700K) on his property that had been poured, stamped and hallmarked in the 1870s. The problem for the finder was that when he notified the Australian government to enable him to lawfully make claim of it, the government immediately seized it. No reward was forthcoming. Because in the 1800s, the Crown owned all the gold in the ground, mined or not. And the prospectors paid for a Prospector's Right (license) to dig that gold and were then paid for it when they sold it. However, the Ingot proved the gold had been dug and paid for and that the bar itself was undoubtedly STILL the property of the Australian Government and the 'Crown'.
1) 어떤 남자가 오래된 집에서 커다란 금괴를 발견함. 미국달러로 약 70만불 어치. 금괴는 1870년도에 생산된 것으로 밝혀짐.
2) 호주 정부에 이걸 찾았다고 알리자, 뺏김. 돈 1푼도 못받고 뺏김.
3) 1800년도에 호주 왕실에서 호주의 모든 금은 왕실의 것임을 선포하고 금캐는 사람에게 돈을 주고 금을 사들여서 금괴로 만들었기 때문에 모든 1800년도 금괴는 정부 소유이기 때문.
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